Git workflow is normally divided into three areas as described below:
1.Working Directory or Working Tree - The working directory is the area where all of your source code is stored like in your local directory. The working directory are the files which are not tracked by the Git. In other words it is the original source code saved in folders and files. If you make changes in this code that is not saved in the git, then you cannot go back to the earlier version of the code to which you made changes. git status is the command to know about files in your working directory.
2. Staging Area -- This is the area where Git starts to track, listen and save the changes done to the source code. It is also referred as Index. When you tell Git to track the changes being done to the source code, the files in the working directory are moved to the Staging Area or holding area you can say. However, if you further make changes to the original source code, Git will not automatically come to know about these changes and it needs to be explicitly informed to track the new changes that are made. git add <filename> or git add . is the command to move files from working directory to staging area.
3. Repository: The local repository is where all of the files in the staging area gets 'committed' or saved. When you give command to Git to commit the changes, it moves the files till that point from staging area and saves in the repository. Once the files are stored in Repository, the staging area is empty.