API Documentation Overview

 In this blog, we will explore an example of API documentation for one example function findNeedles().



The purpose of the findNeedles() API takes two string parameters i.e. needles array and haystack and finds the total number of occurrences of each element in the needles array that are present in the haystack string.

This function searches for only five words or less from the needles array and logs an error if more words are available in the needles array.

The comparison is done by first splitting the haystack string using literals like backspace, tab space, single quote, and double quote etc into single elements and then looping over the needles array to find occurrences of these elements.


This function takes following parameters:






A string of any length


String Array

An array of words  


Sample Code


public static void findNeedles(String haystack, String[] needles)


      if (needles.length > 5)


System.err.println("Too many words!");

      } else


int[] countArray = new int[needles.length];

for (int i = 0; i < needles.length; i++)


String[] words = haystack.split("[ \"\'\t\n\b\f\r]", 0);

              for (int j = 0; j < words.length; j++)


if (words[j].compareTo (needles[i]) == 0)






     for (int j = 0; j < needles.length; j++)


System.out.println (needles[j] + ": " + countArray[j]);





If the length of the needles array is less than or equal to five, then this function displays each word in needles array along with the total occurrences of it in haystack as shown below:

[needle_1]: number of occurrences

[needle_2]: number of occurrences

[needle_3]: number of occurrences

[needle_4]: number of occurrences

[needle_5]: number of occurrences


Error Message

If the needles array contains more than five words, the following error displays:

“Too many words!”

Calling the Function

This function takes in two parameters, a ‘haystack’ input string and a string array ‘needles’ containing words for which occurrences need to be found.

String haystack = “Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Wall”;

String[] needles = {“Quick”,“Jumps”,”Wall”,”Fox”, “Brown”}

findNeedles(haystack, needles);

Example Test Cases

Case 1:

String haystack = "Apple Orange Fruit";

String[] needles = {"Apple","Orange","Fruit"};


Apple: 1

Orange: 1

Fruit: 1


Case 2:

String haystack = "Apple Orange Fruit";

String[] needles = {"Apple","Orange","Fruit","Banana","Table","Mango"};


Too many words!


Case 3:

String[] needles = {};

String haystack =  ”Apple Orange Fruit”;


Case 4:

String haystack = "";

String[] needles = {};



Case 5:

String haystack = "A p p l e Orange Fruit";

String[] needles = {"A p p l e","Orange","Fruit"};


A p p l e: 0

Orange: 1

Fruit: 1



·         The needles argument can accept only 5 search words. If this number exceeds, it shows an error.

·         This function can only search for single words in haystack string and cannot recognize words if space is there between letters. It also cannot recognize if phrases are provided.

·         The search words are case sensitive. “Apple” and “apple” are considered different.


Commented Code

class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    String haystack = "Apple Orange Fruit"// declaration of string haystack with some string value.

    String[] needles = {"apple","Orange","Fruit"}; // declaration of string array containing words to search in haystack.

    findNeedles(haystack, needles); // calling the findNeedles function with arguments haystack and needles. 


  public static void findNeedles(String haystack, String[] needles) //this function searches for how many times each element in the needles array occurs in the haystack string.    


    if (needles.length > 5


        System.err.println("Too many words!"); //display an error if needles array contains more than 5 elements.

    } else //else case starts


      int[] countArray = new int[needles.length];//creates a countArray of type integer with size equal to length of needles array.

      for (int i = 0; i < needles.length; i++) //initiates a loop to iterate over each element of needles array.   


            String[] words = haystack.split("[ \"\'\t\n\b\f\r]"0);//create a new string array words that contains the result

                                                                    // after splitting the haystack by delimiters like tab, new line etc.

              for (int j = 0; j < words.length; j++)// initiate a loop to iterate over each element of words array


                if (words[j].compareTo (needles[i]) == 0//compare each string in words array with each string in needles array 


                    countArray[i]++; //if a particular string in words and needles matches, increment the countArray array by 1. 




     for (int j = 0; j < needles.length; j++) //initiates a loop to iterate over each element in the needles array


            System.out.println (needles[j] + ": " + countArray[j]); // display each element in needle array with its corresponding value in the countArray indicating total number

 of occurrences.






Suggestions for Improvement of Code

·         Call the split function before the For Loop to improve performance and to reduce CPU and memory usage as split function will get called only once.


else {

          int[] countArray = new int[needles.length];

          String[] words = haystack.split("[ \"\'\t\n\b\f\r]", 0);

          for (int i = 0; i < needles.length; i++) {

              for (int j = 0; j < words.length; j++) {

                  if (words[j].compareTo(needles[i]) == 0) {






·         Regex search can be utilized to compare words in ‘needles’ array with haystack string. This ensures reduction in memory usage. Moreover, using regex for search helps to overcome existing shortcomings like non-support of phrases, punctuation, case-sensitive text etc.

·         New enhancements can be brought in where user can be asked to search for desired word from the needle array.



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